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History Channel show you might be interested in

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:16 am
by Bill Roberts
Copy of an e-mail from Al Sweeny

Hi folks,

I think you might be very interested in this. I just watched "Dog Fights", a series on the History Channel that documents aerial dogfights of various wars and aircraft. Today's feature was gun kills from Vietnam, and included our classmate', George McKinney. In case you didn't know, Spides was the GIB for Darrell "D" Simmons during the only double gun kill of the war in November '67. I took some photos of their return to Ubon after the mission, but never heard the details of the event until today. Very exciting, being that it was my squadron mates on the flight, and that Spider had the tape recorder going. The History Channel program included interviews with "D" and Spider along with some very realistic computer generated replays of the fight sequences, and the actual tape recording! Spider was known to be one of our most aggressive squadrom GIBs and was responsible for sighting the second Mig-17.
The program is usually repeated over several weeks or months, so you might be able to catch it another time.
After my computer crashed I lost a lot of Seagram 7's email addresses. If you could forward this info to others you think might be interested, please do so.

Al Sweeny

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:18 am
by NoleGal
I actually watched this! It was gripping.